Sugar Free Lemon Pudding: Perfectly Smooth

Sugar Free Lemon Pudding: Perfectly Smooth

sugar free lemon pudding

Sugar free lemon pudding is not just a delicious dessert; it’s also a smart choice for those looking to enjoy a sweet treat without the added sugars. In this article, we’ll dive into the delightful world of this amazing dessert, exploring its history, applications, and how to make the best sugar free lemon pudding right in your own kitchen.

History of Sugar Free Lemon Pudding:

Sugar free lemon pudding has its roots in traditional lemon pudding recipes, which date back centuries. However, with the growing awareness of the negative effects of excessive sugar consumption, people began seeking alternatives. Enter sugar free lemon pudding, a modern twist on a classic dessert. By using alternative sweeteners like stevia or erythritol, this pudding retains its sweet and tangy flavor without the added sugars.

Applications of Sugar Free Lemon Pudding:

Sugar free lemon pudding isn’t just for dessert; it can be a versatile addition to your culinary repertoire. Use it as a topping for pancakes or waffles, layer it in parfaits with fresh berries, or even incorporate it into baked goods like lemon pudding cookies or cakes. The possibilities are endless, and the refreshing citrus flavor adds a bright note to any dish.

Recipe for Sugar Free Lemon Pudding:

Here’s a simple recipe for making delicious sugar free lemon pudding at home:

1. Unsweetened Almond Milk: 

This serves as the creamy base for our pudding. It adds a subtle nutty flavor while keeping the dessert dairy-free and lower in calories compared to traditional milk.

2. Cornstarch: 

Acting as a thickening agent, cornstarch gives our pudding its smooth and pudding-like consistency. It helps bind the ingredients together and ensures the pudding sets properly.

3. Erythritol or Stevi

These alternative sweeteners provide the sweetness that balances out the tartness of the lemon juice. They are lower in calories and have a minimal impact on blood sugar levels compared to regular sugar.

4. Fresh Lemon Juice: 

The star of the show! Freshly squeezed lemon juice adds a vibrant citrus flavor that gives our pudding its refreshing taste. It provides a tangy kick that wakes up your taste buds.

5. Zest of 1 Lemon: 

The zest of the lemon adds a burst of bright, aromatic lemon flavor to the pudding. It contains essential oils that intensify the citrusy taste, making our pudding taste even more like sunshine in a bowl.

6. Vanilla Extract: 

While not traditionally found in lemon pudding, a splash of vanilla extract enhances the overall flavor profile of our dessert. It adds depth and complexity, rounding out the tanginess of the lemon with its warm and sweet undertones.

7. Pinch of Salt: 

A tiny pinch of salt may seem insignificant, but it plays a crucial role in balancing the flavors of our pudding. It enhances the sweetness of the other ingredients while also helping to suppress any bitterness from the lemon zest.

These simple ingredients come together to create a deliciously creamy and tangy sugar free lemon pudding that’s bursting with flavor. Plus, with its healthier profile, you can indulge in this guilt-free dessert anytime you’re craving something sweet and refreshing.

sugar free lemon pudding

Sugar Free Lemon Pudding

Sugar free lemon pudding is not just a delicious dessert; it's also a smart choice for those looking to enjoy a sweet treat without the added sugars. In this article, we'll dive into the delightful world of this amazing dessert, exploring its history, applications, and how to make the best sugar free lemon pudding right in your own kitchen.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Servings 4 Servings


  • 2 cups whole milk 480 ml
  • 3 large egg yolks
  • 1/3 cup granulated erythritol or preferred sugar substitute 67 grams
  • 3 tablespoons cornstarch 24 grams
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon lemon zest
  • 1/3 cup fresh lemon juice 80 ml
  • 1 tablespoon unsalted butter 14 grams


  • Prepare Ingredients: Gather all your ingredients and measure them accurately.
  • Heat Milk: In a medium saucepan, heat the whole milk over medium heat until it’s warm but not boiling. Keep an eye on it to prevent scalding.
  • Separate Egg Yolks: While the milk is warming, separate the egg yolks from the whites. Place the yolks in a separate bowl.
  • Combine Sweetener, Cornstarch, and Salt: In the bowl with the egg yolks, whisk together the granulated erythritol (or sugar substitute), cornstarch, and salt until well combined.
  • Add Lemon Zest: Once the dry ingredients are combined, add the lemon zest to the egg yolk mixture. Whisk again to distribute the zest evenly.
  • Temper Egg Yolk Mixture: Gradually pour the warm milk into the egg yolk mixture while whisking continuously. This process is called tempering and prevents the eggs from curdling when they come into contact with the hot milk.
  • Return Mixture to Saucepan: Pour the tempered egg yolk mixture back into the saucepan with the remaining warm milk. Place the saucepan back on the stove over medium heat.
  • Add Lemon Juice: Stir in the fresh lemon juice to the milk and egg yolk mixture. Continue stirring gently to combine all the ingredients.
  • Cook Custard: Cook the custard mixture over medium heat, stirring constantly, until it thickens. This should take about 5-7 minutes. Make sure to scrape the bottom and sides of the pan while stirring to prevent lumps.
  • Remove from Heat and Add Butter: Once the custard has thickened to your desired consistency, remove the saucepan from the heat. Add the unsalted butter to the custard and stir until it’s completely melted and incorporated.
  • Strain and Chill: If desired, strain the custard through a fine-mesh sieve to remove any lumps or bits of zest. Then, transfer the custard to individual serving dishes or a large serving bowl. Cover the custard with plastic wrap, ensuring the wrap touches the surface to prevent a skin from forming. Chill in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours or until completely set.
  • Serve: Once the custard has chilled and set, it’s ready to serve. Garnish with additional lemon zest or whipped cream if desired. Enjoy your delicious sugar-free lemon custard pudding!
Keyword Sugar Free Lemon Pudding


What makes sugar free lemon pudding different from regular lemon pudding?

Sugar free lemon pudding is made without traditional sugars, using alternative sweeteners instead. This makes it a healthier option for those looking to reduce their sugar intake while still indulging in a sweet treat.

Can I use regular lemons for sugar free lemon pudding?

Absolutely! Regular lemons work perfectly for sugar free lemon pudding. Just be sure to use fresh lemon juice for the best flavor.

Is sugar free lemon pudding difficult to make?

Not at all! In fact, making sugar free lemon pudding is quite simple and requires just a few basic ingredients. We’ll share a recipe later in this article so you can try it for yourself.


In conclusion, sugar free lemon pudding is a delightful dessert option that allows you to satisfy your sweet tooth without the guilt of added sugars. Whether you’re enjoying it on its own or incorporating it into other dishes, its bright and tangy flavor is sure to please. With this simple recipe, you can easily whip up a batch of homemade sugar free lemon pudding and impress your friends and family with your culinary skills. So go ahead, indulge in a guilt-free treat and savor every spoonful of this sweet and citrusy delight.

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